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I am a creative jack-of-all-trades that LOVES to help others with their projects.

Ever since I was little, I have had my hands in anything creative, and when I think about it... it was usually always something that I was doing for others. Which doesn't surprise me, because it is in my nature to want to help people. 


I'm Jose. :)

I'm glad that you're here! If you're on my website,

that means that you are probably interested

in taking your business to the next level... and listen... I am here for it!!

Hi friend!

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That is why I became a teacher and taught 4th grade Math and Science, before launching my own company, BERTEAU & Co.. I've been helping students and teachers for the past 6 years, and now I am excited to help business owners as well!


I have a positive energy, and am a social butterfly, but also enjoy being a homebody with my hubby, Shawn, and our pup, Bella.

Some of my interests are: Mexican food, rom-com movies, chai tea lattes, jogging, playing with makeup, board games, talking on the phone with friends (I'm not much of a texter lol,) and you probably guessed it... anything dealing with design! ;)

If you would like to know more about me, and connect with me, the best place to do that is through my instagram @josecortezdesigns. I'd love to connect with you!

- Jose

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© 2021 Jose Cortez Designs, a BERTEAU Market Operations, LLC Company.

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